Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Blog moving

I'm going to be moving this to a self hosted wordpress blog, and merge in my old etsy feedback and have a online store in it as well as my Artfire Store. Never hurts to get MORE out there.

Been wanting to move off this anyway. So if you come back and it's not here, wait a bit and try again.

this will be happening over a week or so, I don't have time to do it really, but itchy to get into code again so making some time.

the old blog will stay at with a pointer to the new site I'm moving to when done and all these posts here will be there... clear as mud?


GW said...

I *love* this one's design. It's so pretty! Can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve on your WordPress blog. :)

Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

Good luck with the change over. I'll be looking for ya.

Anonymous said...

Halló . . .
I´ve been a fan of your on etsy but your store seems to be gone???
I love your stuff and refer people to your blog and etsy at every opertunity.
Have you closed the etsy store for good then?
I look forward the new site:O)
Do you know a good place to shop for artie fartie pins to decorate pincushions with?
Greetings from Reykjavík in the rain -
Anna Margrét fan from Iceland
Greetings from Reykjavík

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All content and photos are copyright Jen Segrest